Hey! I miss you sooo much! There are things that have happened over the last few weeks that I would normally have a field day with on this blog, but… Here’s the scoop. You know I write anonymously – for the most part. There are a few people who know who I am and all of them do not have my best interest at heart. It is kind of difficult to write about my intimate feelings and life when I know the haters are lurking. My...
I’m Committed to Being the Best Me
I made a mistake. I was out of line and it is not the first time. I have made numerous mistakes in the past. My logical mind reminds me that once something is said or done; there is no taking it back. If I deem what was said or done a mistake — an error — all I can do is work to rectify the damage done, learn from it and not make the same mistake again. Unfortunately, I have a history of beating myself up for things I cannot change. I dwell on...
You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
“You can’t make all of the people happy all of the time.” I remind myself of that every day. I know we (especially women of color) walk around trying to convince ourselves that we “don’t care what nobody thinks”, but is that really true? If it were, we wouldn’t spend so much time trying to perfect ourselves. I’m not saying that our desire to be better isn’t self motivated, but there is a...
“You can’t make all of the people happy all of the time.” I remind myself of that everyday. I know we (especially women of color) walk around trying to convince ourselves that we “don’t care what nobody thinks”, but is that really true? If it were, we wouldn’t spend so much time trying to perfect ourselves. I’m not saying that our desire to be better isn’t self motivated, but there is a...
The Truth Is…
I know… I have been pretty silent about my relationship (or the makings of my relationship) with Cullen. Honestly, I sat down a few times to write, but could not find the words to express how I was feeling or what was going on between us. Ironically, there is SO much going on and I have an abundance of emotions that I could speak to. So why the silence? Well last night while I was talking to him on the phone it came to me. I am...
o, I told you before that I had been on a date or two with Cullen and for one reason or another we just weren’t clicking. For the life of me I couldn’t understand why… Our conversations were great, but I didn’t laugh much. He was very intelligent. PAUSE ~ I think intelligence is SO sexy and honestly, I was somewhat intimidated by his ability to educate me on a few things. Seriously, when I think of the man I want in my...