We should all take the time to decide what is or is not a priority to us as individuals. There is no collective reasoning concerning what YOUR priorities are. What is most important to you may be of no importance to others. ~ PAUSE ~ Your friends’ opinions can’t really help you here. Sometimes you gotta stand on your own! ~PLAY~ It sounds easy, but it is difficult to rid your mind of the outside world’s influence and really...
Live and Dream…
Sometimes life gets in the way and I forget how important my dreams are. I’m so focused on living that I forget to dream. ~ PAUSE ~ Truthfully, some of what I’m living was once a dream. And I would not be living this life had I not dreamed of it. And there are parts of my life that I could have never imagined. My life… dreams realized and a reality that I never dreamed. ~ PLAY ~ I have had endless dreams of MY kind of love....
A Birthday Gift…
Lately I’ve had so many thoughts, but for some reason I have not been able to write about them. When I put my emotions into words they are immediately more real than they were when they were just a feeling. Don’t get me wrong, my feelings are very valid, but expressing them requires acceptance and awareness. I recently celebrated a birthday. The best gift I received was from my father. ~PAUSE~ I know right?! Those of you who have been reading...
Peace, My First Love…
I must have been about 12 maybe 13 years old when I fell in love for the first time. He was from Brooklyn. I was from Queens. I used to visit my cousins on the weekends and he lived around the corner. He was somewhat quiet, but always had a joke on the low. There was a calm about him that I was drawn to. He was a year or two older than me. And I loved his maturity. I’m not saying he was mature because he was older than me; he was mature...
Dream Catcher…
I wasn’t going to write this entry. I didn’t believe the memory deserved my head space or the time that I’m now taking to write it. But then I remembered why I write. With the stroke of a few keys, it becomes therapeutic for me and it sometimes inspires others. So here it goes… I remember an ex professing his love via text. “I’m in love with you. I would stop everything to be with you, if you wanted,”...